The function "image Overlayed" in some cases was not resizing the image correctly
Sitemap page
If a webfont was set as default font, this was not displayed correctly
Minor fixes
Text Object
In some cases not all the informations were passed correctly to the showbox
Minor fixes
Link Window
Now it is possible to send an email to multiple adsresses
Gallery Object
Now it is possible to add a youtube video with https
After selecting the menu inside the header the alignment of the content was not working correctly
Minor fixes
Graphic interface
NEW: Danish Added (new installation needed).
Optional Objects
If in a page was present an object which was not installed in the copy of the software the page was not shown correctly
After the update of an object: the pages of the project wich contained the object could not been updated automatically
Web Font
If in a IWZIP Project were present two similar fonts but with different styles (as example bold, italic) of these two only one was imported
Data Management
Send email with Authenticated SMTP: the value of the port could not been set correctly.
Send email with SMTP: it was not possible to send to multiple addresses separated by ";"
Social NetWork Object
Google Plus - Icon: the link to the user page was not working correctly
Minor fixes
Graphic interface
NEW: Bulgarian Added (new installation needed).
Optional objects
Improvements in the management of the development of new optional objects
Minor fixes
Map Object
Removed the options Google do not longer allows in anonymous mode: Street View and Map visualization together, Terrain Mode, Show Tip and Show the navigator.
Web Font
In some cases they were not correctly installed in the software
Minor fixes
Payment type
Modifying the custom payment code could cause an interruption in the program
Robokassa API updated
Backup management
NEW: Activated the multiple selection in the project backup list
The side block monthly posts, once exported, was showing the order list inverted from the one seen in the preview
E-mail send
NEW: Now it is possible to use the PHPMailer library as alternative to the standard "mail" of PHP
NEW: Send through STMP by using the PHPMailer library
Text Object and Table Object
Minor fixes
Statistics, SEO and Code
The attached files to the code could not be connected correctly to the blog and ecoomerce cart
Minor fixes
Payment methods
Updated Robokassa API
Minor fixes
Text Object and Table Object
With comples content it could happen the content to not be saved correctly
Local preview
In some cases the local preview was not showing correctly all the resources
Minor fixes
HTML Object
The javascript files linked in the header could have been added twice
Project export
NEW: In the IWZIP project file it is now possible to inclede the used webfonts
Project import
NEW: The user is now informed if in the project have been used fonts not present in the system
Dynamic object
NEW: New functions: Font selection (Webfonts, Web safe fonts and google fonts), text background color, text size, HTML code insert
Data Management
NEW: Now it is possible to set an e-mail address which will be used as sender for all the emails generated on the website
Shopping cart
NEW: New payment method: PagSeguro
Table object
In some cases the cells were loosing the text color after the cell has been moved
Minor fixes
Compact and Home Editions: in some cases it was not possible to download the templates of the section
Text object
Fix on the setting of the link on more text lines
Minor fixes
E-Mail Form Object
Some fields were not validated correctly according to the w3c standards
Minor fixes
Project analysis
Graphical fixes
Dinamic Object
NEW: now it is possible to add local images
Text Object and Table Object
Minor fixes
Guestbook object
If the URL of the website was udated, the guestbook was keeping the old URL
Map Object
In some cases the map object was not correclty aligned to the other objects in the same page
Optional Object
The copy/paste of the pages containing optional objects was not working correctly
Minor fixes
Grafic interface
Solved issues with view at 120dpi in the grafic interface
Various fixes
Project import
In some cases import of projects from previous versions where not generated correctly
The comments in the guestbook were not always imprted correctly
In some cases the default templates available in V10 were not correctly associated to the same templates in V11
Dynamic content object
On Internet Explorer it was not possible to add links
Image object
When the image protection was activated, on Internet Exploer the images could not be seen correctly
Table object
The alignent of the cells in some cases was not working correctly
Complex tables could not been saved correctly
The reduce of the cellsize was not applied correctly
Gallery object
It was not possible to add the Tip for the miniature gallery
The custom thumbnails were not applied correctly
Payment methods
Sagepay: in some cases the currecny was not transferred correctly
Shopping cart
The expire date of the coupons could not be set correctly
Vertical menu
On FF the icons linked to the submenu entries were not visible
Google Analytics
NEW: Added the option to anonymize the IP adresses
Local preview
If the operating system was set to with an internationalitation in TR the preview was not opening correctly
Google Font
In some cases were not visible correctly on the online exported websites
The TTF files were wrongly exported online
Text object
Added the support for the html character entities
In some cases the copy/paste was not done correctly
Minor fixes
E-Mail form object
If the description field was present, the confirmation email was not correctly alligned
It was not possible to add multiple email adresses
The date field could not work correctly
In some cases the templates and optiona objects could not be downloaded correctly