My website with WebSite X5.
Licia Gaia Sortino

Age: 46
Job: architect
Studies: Degree in Architecture
Personality: creative
Strength: versatility
Passion: photography

Initial web experience: minimal
Time spent on the website: 1hr every two weeks

But taking photos is my passion. My website brings them together. It tells visitors who I am and shows my experience through photos, from work in Milan- to international projects. Because an online portfolio gives a freelance career the support it needs to take flight, and grow. Like mine did. 

Licia Gaia Sortino
I did it myself. You CAN DO it too.
Licia Gaia Sortino’s story
An architect from Milan to Dubai.
Licia Gaia Sortino has travelled far since she first received her degree in architecture and started working with a few studios in Milan. From urban planning to building design, from renovation to furniture design, she has a long list of accomplishments. In her free time, Licia travels, takes photos, and collects experiences. She knows that in order to imagine new spaces, she first needs to see the world with her own eyes. Her companion on this journey? Her website, the platform that helps her building important relationships in her field. These days, no design studio, international client, or colleague contacts her without first visiting her website and looking through her projects online.

It’s a constant work in progress which helps me build new relationships and contacts. 

Her Requirements
Relationships, opportunities, projects.
“How can I show my worth?” Licia asks herself. That is the question that first sparks the need for a website, now a common asset among freelancers looking for clients and opportunity. For these freelancers and for Licia, career growth is 100% dependent on the ability to present oneself and network.
As an architect, Licia is used to managing everything herself and she prefers not to delegate the maintenance of her own image to others. That is why she needs a tool that lets her share her own projects online to catch the interest of engineering and architecture studios, or find other freelances and collaborators.

The Solution
A portfolio website for networking.
When she was first starting out and seeking international clients and projects online, Licia wanted a solution that would help her:
create a website with an affordable tool and reduced budget;
create an online portfolio that could be updated quickly.
When she discovered WebSite X5, Licia knew she had found a tool that would help her grow in her career as an architect. She first tested it out by making a website for travel photography, her passion. Then she changed the website to promote her work in architecture.
The 5-step framework let her work according to the timelines and deadlines she had planned for. In other words: organization and speed. To highlight her career, Licia experimented with the Galleries included in the software, letting the images speak for themselves. The result was a real, easy-to-use, and immediately clear online portfolio, in which each project has a detailed data sheet. She also made sure to include links to the websites of the professionals she works with: because her site is for networking.

But it was so fast and visually effective that using it for my professional work turned out to be the best move for my career.

New international clients and projects.
Today, serves as a real work platform, which does more than just generate new contacts.
Licia uses the galleries and data sheets to guide clients and collaborators through the stages of each project. With her portfolio, she can show what she’s capable of in real time and to anyone online, even if they are miles away.

What does all this mean?
Licia’s architecture website is a tool that supports her work. She didn’t just create a website and stop there; she constantly updates it to get the most out of it. That means her website and her career grow together.
But there’s more.
Here at Incomedia, this architect’s story is one of goals met and of growth built project after project. Or as we say here, step by step.
That is why Licia Gaia Sortino is a prime example of an incostar.
I did it myself. So CAN YOU.
Our #incostars
A face, a story, an incostar.